Sunday, April 01, 2012

Sun n Fun n Thunder!

2012-03-31 -  Thunderbirds-352

It's that time of year again! This year the Thunderbirds came to town for the Sun n Fun Fly in and boy can they put on a show. Love seeing all of the aircraft during this week and it is definitely one of my favorite times of year. Special thanks to my father in-law Clipper & Terri for the awesome vantage point! This spot allows for some pretty good photos! Here are a few more, I have a ton but wanted to get a few up as a preview before I get lazy and don't get around to posting them until August. Enjoy!

2012-04-01 - Thunderbirds-560

2012-03-31 - Thunderbirds-75

2012-03-31 - Thunderbirds-386

2012-03-31 - Thunderbirds-81

2012-03-31 - Thunderbirds-356

2012-03-31 - Thunderbirds-422

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