Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Photo of the Day - Festival of Treats:

Festival of Treats

Today was a short work day and the rest was filled with some last minute shopping. I'm happy to say hat I am really close to being done and that is a relief. If you received our holiday card this year the above photo will look familiar, but if not, this will be the first of a set of three shots of our "kids" that made the holiday card that we shared with some friends and family. I have always been a huge William Wegmanfan even before I was seriously into photography. A few years ago when my wife and I decided to do holiday cards for the first time I decided to force our Rat Terrier and cat to be the subject of a few frames. Over the years the tradition has been created and has evolved by adding one more dog and tons of props (not to mention the number of treats we go through). I certainly haven't created Wegman like masterpieces but I think I can pass as a "poor man's Wegman." :-) It's always a challenge to think of the background, props, and getting (and keeping) the dogs in position but in the end (and after a few drinks) it always ends up being a lot of fun. This year we decided to broaden our horizons a bit and the above shot is the first of 3 shots that made the cut for the calendar. Hope you like it!

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope to see you tomorrow for the Christmas Eve edition of the photo of the day!

1 comment:

Buca Cake said...

Do you feed the dogs kosher beggin strips?