Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Photo of the Day - Zooming By:

0812Downtown Jax025-8

When I sat down at the computer tonight to figure out what to post for today's photo of the day I really didn't know what direction I was going to take for Thanksgiving Eve. Fortunately it hit me right in the face and made sense. Earlier in the day my wife was flipping through my photo editing program picking some photos that she liked and that we plan to use in an upcoming project. This was the one that was up on the screen so thanks Britt!

This photo speaks a lot about this year that is already winding to a close - the time has literally zoomed by! It seems like just yesterday I was getting ready to graduate law school and start getting ready for the bar exam and here we are now getting ready for the holidays and working through gift ideas. If time flies like this now, I can't imagine what is going to happen when we have a son to chase around! Either way, I can't wait!

This photo was taken in Downtown Jacksonville in December of last year and like I said above it really feels just like yesterday. My good friend Brad was passing through town so we went out on a little nighttime photo walk. His eye for creative composition and just all out great shots kicks my butt but for whatever reason I'm still willing to shoot with him :-) Anyway, for those that aren't really into photography the way this image was created was by using a wide zoom lens and setting the camera for a long exposure and compose the image where you want it to start and then either zoom in or out depending on the effect you want to create. It can definitely lend to some interesting and creative shots especially at nighttime. The above is one of quite a few zoom pulls that I worked on that night.

Thanks so much for stopping by and hopefully you were able to check out the photo of the day from home today instead of at work, but either way I'm glad you're here. If you are traveling this holiday please travel safely and enjoy the time with family and friends. Hope to see you here tomorrow if you have time with all of the eating you'll likely be doing! I'm ready for some turkey! See you tomorrow!

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